Set Up a Scheme

Once you have set up an App, you effectively have a route through which a payment can process. However, most of the time you will have multiple Apps and you might want to use one App over the others for certain conditions. Duck Creek Payments Orchestrator uses Schemes to let you specify these conditions and instruct the Payments Orchestrator application on which App to use if the conditions are met.

Basically, Schemes let you define the payment options that your customers can see.

Before You Start

Before you start following this guide, you should understand the concepts related to the Payments Orchestrator application. You should also have installed the Apps (or set up Reward Groups) that you want to use with the Scheme.

Inside a Scheme

Components of a Scheme

A Scheme consists of three main components:

DraftsDrafts are copies of changes made to a Scheme's setup that you have saved.
RulesRules let you specify the conditions within a Scheme.
AppsApps let you integrate with a Payment Service Provider.

Types of Schemes

As soon as you installed and configured the App(s), you will need to create a Scheme. Currently, you can create two types of Scheme within the Payments Orchestrator application:

  • Collect Scheme, which defines the payment options that your customers will see when they want to make a payment to you.

  • Payout Scheme, which defines the payment options that your customers will see when they want to receive a payment from you.

More about Drafts

When are Drafts useful?

Say you published a scheme to let your customers pay for your services using American Express cards. After a few weeks you realized that the interchange fee were just too high, so you'd like to remove American Express cards from your Collect Scheme after the end of the month.

In such case, you can remove American Express cards from your Collect Scheme and save the new setup as a Draft. When the month ends, you can unpublish (or deactivate) the current version of the Scheme and publish (or activate) the Draft version that you had saved earlier.

What are the actions related to a Draft?

AddAdd as many Drafts to your scheme as required.
PublishPublish a Draft to make that version of the Scheme setup active. The active Draft will be applied immediately and its setup will be used to process the next collection or payout.
UpdateUpdate any Draft, excluding an active Draft. To update an active Draft, create a new Draft that mirrors the setup of the active Draft, publish that new Draft then update the primary Draft.
DeleteDelete any Draft, excluding an active Draft.

How to configure Strong Customer Authorization (SCA) or Mail Order/Telephone Order (MO/TO) to submit payments?

When leveraging the Authorization Source value, Payments Orchestrator will be able to determine if the payment should be following an SCA or MO/TO flow, and present the correct journey to your customer.

Additionally, payment methods that do not support the indicated Authorization Source will not be displayed in the Whitelabel Session, in order to prevent an incorrect journey for your customer.

SCA Flow

In some markets, SCA is a regulatory requirement to reduce fraud and ensure that online and contactless offline payments are secure. To accept payments and meet SCA requirements, you need to build additional authentication into your checkout flow.

SCA applies to customer-initiated online payments within the UK or Europe. All electronic payments require SCA unless an exemption can be applied or the transaction is considered out of scope for SCA – for example, merchant-initiated transactions.

One of the benefits of applying SCA where multifactor authentication is successful is that businesses can get liability protection from fraudulent disputes.

The Authorization Source
The Authorization Source attribute will identify the flow for how payments should be initiated. For a complete explanation, see the concept page.

Your Financial Instruments will always have an Authorization Source (authorizationSource) attribute. It has a default of WEB unless you have specified a different value.

For Collections, the Authorization Source value will default to 'WEB' for the B2C customer type. For the B2B customer type, this will default to PAPER.

For Payouts, the Authorization Source value will default to PAPER.
Authorization SourceDescription
WEB (SCA)Scenario where the customer is manually inputting their payment details into the payment solution.
PAPER (MO/TO)Scenario where the customer has provided their payment details to an employee in writing and signed, or similarly authenticated.
TEL (MO/TO)Scenario where the customer has provided their payment details verbally to an employee over the telephone.

How it works?

  1. When you are setting up a Scheme, you specify the conditions that must be met for the Payments Orchestrator application to process a payment through an App.

  2. Whenever the Payments Orchestrator application receives a payment instruction, the application compares the payment instruction against the rules of all active Schemes.

  3. If the payment conditions match the conditions specified in a Scheme, the Payments Orchestrator application uses the App associated with the Scheme to process the payment.

How to Set Up and Publish a Scheme?

  1. Login to your Tenant Portal.
  2. Click Collect under Schemes menu from the left-sidebar. The Collect schemes page appears with a list of existing Schemes (if you have created them).
  3. Click the button on the top-right corner of the page. The Collect scheme setup page appears.
  4. In the page, you will find four sections: Details, Customer agreement settings, Scheme rules, and Apps. Fill the available fields with relevant information. Refer to the table below for more information on each field.
  5. SectionFieldDescription

    The Details section holds general information about a Scheme and defines a name and a code of the Scheme.

    DetailsNameEnter a name for your Scheme.
    DetailsCodeEnter a code for your Scheme.

    The Customer agreement settings section defines how customer payment details will be handled.

    Customer agreement settingsSingle use financial instrumentsWhen this option is selected, the following conditions apply:
    • Financial instruments can only be successfully transacted once.
    • After the financial instrument is successfully transacted, it is marked as Locked or Inactive depending on the financial instrumen type, preventing it from being used again. It will still contain useful metadata for the purposes of supporting future reporting, analysis, and chargebacks/refunds.
    • When a financial instrument is associated with an Instruction, it will be marked as Locked. This prevents multiple Instructions from being created and associated with a financial instrument. If you try to create another Instruction where the financial instrument is locked, the Instruction will fail.
    • When an Instruction has been associated with a single use agreement and the financial instrument is marked as Locked, the Instruction can be canceled and the financial instrument will be marked as Active again. There is no limit on how many times an Instruction can be created and canceled, but the financial instrument can only be used for one successful payment. Afterwards, it is marked as Locked or Inactive and cannot be used for transactions.
    • If a transaction fails for a single use financial instrument, it will be unlocked and marked as Active. This allows you to attempt the transaction again without requiring another customer journey. After a successful transaction, the financial instrument will be marked as Locked or Inactive again.
    • If there are five failed attempts to use a single use financial instrument, it will be marked as Inactive state to prevent indefinite attempts. This allows it to fail more quickly when being used in a feedback loop.
    Customer agreement settingsRe-use financial instrumentsWhen this option is selected, payment details will be stored in order to allow future payments to be processed by you. You can define a Client Name which will be included in the disclaimer wording during the checkout process.

    The Scheme rules section lets you specify the conditions that must be met before the application can use the Apps associated with this Rule to process the transaction.

    Scheme rulesCountriesUse the dropdown list to select a country.

    If the payment instruction is for the country you select here, the application will further evaluate this rule to see if additional conditions are met.
    Scheme rulesCurrenciesUse the dropdown list to select a currency.

    If the payment instruction is for the currency you select here, the application will further evaluate this rule to see if additional conditions are met.
    Scheme rulesValue fromEnter a numeric value or use the counter control at the right of this field to select a numeric value.

    If the amount in the payment instruction is greater than the amount you enter here, the application will further evaluate this rule to see if additional conditions are met.
    Scheme rulestoEnter a numeric value or use the counter control at the right of this field to select a numeric value.

    If the amount in the payment instruction is lesser than the amount you enter here and all other conditions are met, the application will use this rule to process the transaction.
    Scheme rules: AppsClick the button to load the Apps widget, which lets you choose from the Apps that you have installed.

    The chosen App will be used to route the payment, if the payment instruction matches the condition specified in the Rule.
  6. (Optional) To add additional Rules, click on the at the bottom of the page and follow the instructions shown in step 4.
  7. Click the Save button at the top of the page to save your Scheme as a Draft. A slide-in banner on the top of the page will notify that the Draft has been saved.

    A new field, Scheme ID, will also appear on the page with randomly generated value next it. You must specify this value whenever you want to use a published version of this Scheme with a payment Instruction.
  8. Click the Publish button on the top of the page to make this Draft available to use with payment Instructions.
  9. A confirmation box will appear, prompting you to confirm your choice. Click Yes, publish. A slide-in banner on the top of the page will notify that the Draft has been published.


I want to publish a different Draft.

If you have saved multiple Drafts of a Scheme, you can view them by going to the Collection (or Payout) schemes page. Follow the steps below to publish a different Draft.

  1. Goto Collect (or Payout) schemes page and find the Scheme.

  2. Click the Edit button that you will find towards the far-right of the Scheme's name. The Collect (or Payout) scheme setup page appears.

  3. Click the View history button. The Scheme drafts page appears.

  4. (Optional) Click the Edit button that you will find towards the far-right of the Draft's name to ensure the correct Draft. Alternatively, use the date and time under the Last Modified column to ensure the correct Draft.

  5. Click the Publish button.

  6. A confirmation box will appear, prompting you to confirm your choice. Click Yes, publish. A slide-in banner on the top of the page will notify that the Draft has been published. You will also notice Published label next to the name of the Draft that has been published.

I want to remove a Rule.

Click on the remove icon on the top right corner of the Rule box to remove a Rule. When prompted to confirm your choice, Click Yes, remove rule.

I want to change a Scheme.

You can change a Scheme from Collection (or Payout) schemes page. Follow the steps below to publish a different Draft.

  1. Goto Collect (or Payout) schemes page and find the Scheme.

  2. Click the Edit button that you will find towards the far-right of the Scheme's name. The Collect (or Payout) scheme setup page appears.

  3. Make the necessary changes and click the Save button.

I want to remove a Scheme.

You can remove a Scheme from Collection (or Payout) schemes page. Follow the steps below to publish a different Draft.

  1. Goto Collect (or Payout) schemes page and find the Scheme.

  2. Click the Delete button that you will find towards the far-right of the Scheme's name.

  3. A confirmation box will appear, prompting you to confirm your choice. Click Yes, delete. A slide-in banner on the top of the page will notify that the Scheme has been removed.
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