or tenant-admin
Gets an Order Instruction by the orderRef
and instructionRef
OK - Returns the Instruction response.
Bad Request - Validation error response, containing errors such as:
All other managed 4xx and 5xx errors
{- "_links": {
- "self": {
- "href": "/v1/order-management/order1/instruction/instruction1"
}, - "created": 1662105575226,
- "lastUpdated": 1662105912747,
- "direction": "DEBIT",
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "customerRef": "customer1",
- "amount": 10,
- "currency": "EUR",
- "country": "AT",
- "settledByDate": "2023-12-15",
- "forecastedSettlementDate": null,
- "actualSettlementDate": null,
- "executionTimestamp": null,
- "financialInstrument": {
- "financialInstrumentId": "6105540a-1f16-46e0-b16d-0d3cdfe79411",
- "source": "NONE",
- "canUpdate": true,
- "sourceFlow": "OnSession"
}, - "scheme": {
- "schemeId": "EEAB9BBF6F8FA16D711798D14B65E066",
- "source": "MANUALLY_SET",
- "canUpdate": true
}, - "metadata": {
- "key1": "payment/1",
- "key2": "payment/2"
}, - "transaction": {
- "transactionId": "a16699d2-454d-6bec-785d-0823cb79e86a",
- "financialInstrumentId": "6105540a-1f16-46e0-b16d-0d3cdfe79411",
- "createdTimestamp": 1662543264053,
- "lastUpdatedTimestamp": 1662543264006,
- "amount": 12.34,
- "netAmount": 10,
- "status": "PROCESSING",
- "additionalInformation": "Test",
- "app": {
- "appId": "STRIPE",
- "appTransactionId": "pi_3LfKdwHm8hoYQJyN0lk60ru7",
- "appBatchId": null,
- "supportDetails": {
- "customerId": "cus_MH3lMCEjrZ4O0Q"
}, - "refunds": [
- {
- "refundId": "07924e91-3470-442d-8c8a-81282b41b74e",
- "createdTimestamp": 1662543387150,
- "lastUpdatedTimestamp": 1662543388793,
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "amount": 2.34,
- "refundReason": "Card has insufficient funds.",
- "failureReasonCode": "INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS",
- "failureDescription": "Refund is pending due to insufficient funds and has crossed the pending refund expiry window."
], - "chargebacks": [
- {
- "id": "cf223726-7ac8-4294-bb4b-75748b619268",
- "network": "STRIPE",
- "status": "PENDING",
- "amount": 9.31,
- "claimed": "2024-01-21",
- "created": "2024-01-21T09:20:31Z",
- "lastUpdatedAt": "2024-01-22T10:05:40Z",
- "payingBankReference": "CMRSA04KG0J",
- "reasonCode": "MD06",
- "description": "Disputed authorized transaction"
], - "processingDetails": {
- "channel": "eCom",
- "authenticationFlow": "3DS Challenge"
}, - "failed": null,
- "cancelled": null
or tenant-admin
Updates a new Instruction by orderRef
and instructionRef
No Content.
Bad Request - Validation error response, containing errors such as:
All other managed 4xx and 5xx errors
{- "financialInstrumentId": "35596f91-fea9-4297-b70b-01fdad24e25a",
- "amount": 20,
- "currency": "GBP",
- "country": "GB",
- "settledByDate": "2019-08-24",
- "schemeId": "ef1c9dbe-017b-4011-8bd1-352897f8dfef",
- "metadata": {
- "customKey1": "custom string 1"
Order {orderRef} does not exist.
{- "timestamp": 1692016778499,
- "correlationId": "0HMB2TA322CA7:00000001",
- "errors": [
- {
- "errorCode": "ORDER_NOT_FOUND",
- "message": "Order [orderRef] does not exist.",
- "messageTemplate": "Order {orderRef} does not exist.",
- "metadata": {
- "orderRef": "orderRef"
or tenant-admin
Create a new Order Instruction for the specified orderRef
No Content.
Bad Request - Validation error response, containing errors such as:
All other managed 4xx and 5xx errors
{- "instructionRef": "instruction1",
- "customerRef": "customer1",
- "direction": "DEBIT",
- "financialInstrumentId": "35596f91-fea9-4297-b70b-01fdad24e25a",
- "amount": 20,
- "currency": "GBP",
- "country": "GB",
- "settledByDate": "2019-08-24",
- "schemeId": "ef1c9dbe-017b-4011-8bd1-352897f8dfef",
- "metadata": {
- "customKey1": "custom string 1"
Order {orderRef} does not exist.
{- "timestamp": 1692016778499,
- "correlationId": "0HMB2TA322CA7:00000001",
- "errors": [
- {
- "errorCode": "ORDER_NOT_FOUND",
- "message": "Order [orderRef] does not exist.",
- "messageTemplate": "Order {orderRef} does not exist.",
- "metadata": {
- "orderRef": "orderRef"
or tenant-admin
Cancels an Instruction.
No Content.
Bad Request - Validation error response, containing errors such as:
All other managed 4xx and 5xx errors
{- "reason": "Subscription cancelled."
Order {orderRef} does not exist.
{- "timestamp": 1692016778499,
- "correlationId": "0HMB2TA322CA7:00000001",
- "errors": [
- {
- "errorCode": "ORDER_NOT_FOUND",
- "message": "Order [orderRef] does not exist.",
- "messageTemplate": "Order {orderRef} does not exist.",
- "metadata": {
- "orderRef": "orderRef"
or tenant-admin
Gets an Order by the orderRef
OK - Returns the Order response.
Bad Request - Validation error response, containing errors such as:
All other managed 4xx and 5xx errors
{- "_links": {
- "self": {
- "href": "/v1/order-management/order1"
}, - "instructions": [
- {
- "href": "/v1/order-management/order1/instruction/instruction1",
- "name": "instruction1"
}, - "created": 1691752640673,
- "instructionRefs": [
- "instruction1"
], - "metadata": {
- "customKey1": "custom string 1"
or tenant-admin
Create a new Order.
If you create the Order without any instructions
then the response will be 201 - Created
If you create the Order with instructions
then the response will be 202 - Accepted
Bad Request - Validation error response, containing errors such as:
All other managed 4xx and 5xx errors
{- "orderRef": "order1",
- "instructions": [
- {
- "instructionRef": "instruction1",
- "customerRef": "customer1",
- "direction": "DEBIT",
- "financialInstrumentId": "35596f91-fea9-4297-b70b-01fdad24e25a",
- "amount": 20,
- "currency": "GBP",
- "country": "GB",
- "settledByDate": "2019-08-24",
- "schemeId": "ef1c9dbe-017b-4011-8bd1-352897f8dfef",
- "metadata": {
- "customKey1": "custom string 1"
}, - {
- "instructionRef": "instruction2",
- "customerRef": "customer1",
- "direction": "DEBIT",
- "financialInstrumentId": "35596f91-fea9-4297-b70b-01fdad24e25a",
- "amount": 5,
- "currency": "GBP",
- "country": "GB",
- "settledByDate": "2019-08-24",
- "schemeId": "ef1c9dbe-017b-4011-8bd1-352897f8dfef",
- "metadata": {
- "customKey1": "custom string 1"
], - "metadata": {
- "customKey1": "custom string 1"
Order {orderRef} already exists.
{- "timestamp": 1692016778499,
- "correlationId": "0HMB2TA322CA7:00000001",
- "errors": [
- {
- "errorCode": "ORDER_ALREADY_EXISTS",
- "message": "Order [orderRef] already exists.",
- "messageTemplate": "Order {orderRef} already exists.",
- "metadata": {
- "orderRef": "orderRef"
or tenant-admin
Updates the Orders metadata
by orderRef
No Content.
Bad Request - Validation error response, containing errors such as:
All other managed 4xx and 5xx errors
{- "customKey1": "custom string 1",
- "customKey2": "custom string 2",
- "customKey3": "custom string 3"
Order {orderRef} does not exist.
{- "timestamp": 1692016778499,
- "correlationId": "0HMB2TA322CA7:00000001",
- "errors": [
- {
- "errorCode": "ORDER_NOT_FOUND",
- "message": "Order [orderRef] does not exist.",
- "messageTemplate": "Order {orderRef} does not exist.",
- "metadata": {
- "orderRef": "orderRef"
or tenant-admin
Deletes the Orders metadata
by orderRef
No Content.
Bad Request - Validation error response, containing errors such as:
All other managed 4xx and 5xx errors
Order {orderRef} does not exist.
{- "timestamp": 1692016778499,
- "correlationId": "0HMB2TA322CA7:00000001",
- "errors": [
- {
- "errorCode": "ORDER_NOT_FOUND",
- "message": "Order [orderRef] does not exist.",
- "messageTemplate": "Order {orderRef} does not exist.",
- "metadata": {
- "orderRef": "orderRef"
or tenant-admin
Claims a Reward by the customerRef
and instructionRef
All other managed 4xx and 5xx errors
{- "rewardId": "3a15d6a9-82bb-4ffe-83c4-4435038d5367"
{- "status": 401,
- "title": "Unauthorized",
- "detail": "Invalid token",
- "instance": "/v1/customer-vault/customer1/international-bank-account/",
- "trace": {
- "timestamp": "2023-01-31T23:56:21Z",
- "requestId": "4487062e-52db-4d89-b46b-7035d681cb40"