or tenant-admin
Get a customer by the customerRef
OK - Returns the Customer response.
Bad Request - Validation error response, containing errors such as:
All other managed 4xx and 5xx errors
{- "_links": {
- "self": {
- "href": "/v1/customer-vault/customer1"
}, - "financialInstruments": [
- {
- "href": "/v1/customer-vault/customer1/financial-instrument/4249b9ae-f238-cce4-474e-49bcd3ab7363",
- "name": "4249b9ae-f238-cce4-474e-49bcd3ab7363"
}, - "status": "ACTIVE",
- "metadata": {
- "customKey1": "custom string 1"
}, - "financialInstruments": [
- {
- "id": "4249b9ae-f238-cce4-474e-49bcd3ab7363",
- "type": "MANDATE:ACH",
- "status": "INACTIVE",
- "displayName": "AC7PA3NTHT",
- "createdDate": 1687508113388,
- "authorizationSource": "WEB",
- "details": {
- "financialInstrumentType": "ACH",
- "mandateReference": "AC7PA3NTHT",
- "debtorName": "JOE BLOGGS",
- "debtorAccountNumber": "000123456",
- "debtorBranchCode": "082082",
- "debtorBankName": "Bank of Imburse",
- "debtorSignatoryName": "JOE BLOGGS",
- "creditorName": "Imburse",
- "creditorIdentifier": "123456",
- "imburseMandateId": "92db029e-7d76-41d4-8c9e-78302f7ca091",
- "statusReason": "1: Invalid Routing number",
- "hasFirstTransactionBeenSent": "True",
- "providerName": "Ach",
- "providerMandateRef": "MXAOQKEJW",
- "debtorAccountType": "Checking",
- "authorizationSource": "WEB",
- "authorizationFrequency": "Monthly"
}, - "capabilities": {
- "valueType": "VARIABLE",
- "usageType": "MULTIPLE",
- "canCredit": true,
- "canDebit": true
}, - "agreement": {
- "agreementType": "Reuse"
or tenant-admin
Update a customer by the customerRef
object or null (MetadataV2) A collection of key-value pairs defined by the client. This object is subject to the following limits:
Bad Request - Validation error response, containing errors such as:
All other managed 4xx and 5xx errors
{- "metadata": {
- "customKey1": "custom string 1",
- "customKey2": "custom string 2",
- "customKey3": "custom string 3"
Metadata key {key} must not exceed {maxKeySize} in length.
{- "timestamp": 1692016778499,
- "correlationId": "0HMB2TA322CA7:00000001",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "Metadata key [aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa] must not exceed [64] in length.",
- "messageTemplate": "Metadata key {key} must not exceed {maxKeySize} in length.",
- "metadata": {
- "key": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
- "maxKeySize": 64
This API call will irrecoverably trash any personally identifiable data about a customer in accordance with GDPR.
Bad Request - Validation error response, containing errors such as:
All other managed 4xx and 5xx errors
Cannot forget customer with active financial instruments.
{- "timestamp": 1692016778499,
- "correlationId": "0HMB2TA322CA7:00000001",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "Cannot forget customer with active financial instruments.",
- "messageTemplate": "Cannot forget customer with active financial instruments.",
- "metadata": { }
, tenant-bridge-read
or tenant-admin
Get all financial instruments of a customer that match the criteria, with redacted payment details.
OK - Returns the Customer response.
Bad Request - Validation error response, containing errors such as:
Forbidden - The user does not have permission to access the requested resource, possibly due to user not assigning to the correct role.
All other managed 4xx and 5xx errors
{- "_links": {
- "self": {
- "href": "/v1/customer-vault/customer1"
}, - "financialInstruments": [
- {
- "href": "/v1/customer-vault/customer1/financial-instrument/4249b9ae-f238-cce4-474e-49bcd3ab7363",
- "name": "4249b9ae-f238-cce4-474e-49bcd3ab7363"
}, - "status": "ACTIVE",
- "metadata": {
- "customKey1": "custom string 1"
}, - "financialInstruments": [
- {
- "id": "4249b9ae-f238-cce4-474e-49bcd3ab7363",
- "type": "CARD_TOKEN:STRIPE",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "displayName": "Stripe card token: ******.1234",
- "createdDate": 1687508113388,
- "authorizationSource": "WEB",
- "details": {
- "cardTokenBrand": "Visa",
- "cardLast4Digits": "1234",
- "expiryMonth": "12",
- "expiryYear": "2025",
- "cardHolderName": "John Doe"
}, - "capabilities": {
- "valueType": "VARIABLE",
- "usageType": "MULTIPLE",
- "canCredit": false,
- "canDebit": true
}, - "agreement": {
- "agreementType": "SingleUse"
or tenant-admin
Get a Financial Instrument by the financialInstrumentId
OK - Returns the financial instrument response.
Bad Request - Validation error response, containing errors such as:
All other managed 4xx and 5xx errors
{- "_links": {
- "self": {
- "href": "/v1/customer-vault/customer1/financial-instrument/701f7a2c-7fba-d2eb-038d-93fc736273af"
}, - "transactions": [
- {
- "href": "/v1/customer-vault/customer1/financial-instrument/701f7a2c-7fba-d2eb-038d-93fc736273af/transaction/afcf9124-aff6-4ffe-b0c7-3272513840b0",
- "name": "afcf9124-aff6-4ffe-b0c7-3272513840b0"
}, - "id": "701f7a2c-7fba-d2eb-038d-93fc736273af",
- "displayName": "12345678",
- "type": "BANK_ACCOUNT:UK",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "agreement": {
- "agreementId": "c64e3604-ff53-4bbb-88ed-eb29c6111b66",
- "agreementType": "Reuse",
- "consentedTimestamp": 1704297528100,
- "consentedWording": "By proceeding you are agreeing for your payment details to be stored for future use by CLIENT_NAME"
}, - "details": {
- "financialInstrumentType": "UK",
- "accountHolderName": "JOE BLOGGS",
- "accountNumber": "12345678",
- "sortCode": "123456"
}, - "capabilities": {
- "valueType": "VARIABLE",
- "usageType": "MULTIPLE",
- "canCredit": true,
- "canDebit": false
}, - "transactions": [
- {
- "id": "afcf9124-aff6-4ffe-b0c7-3272513840b0",
- "attempt": 1,
- "type": "BANK_ACCOUNT:UK",
- "createdDate": 1690883599702,
- "amount": 10,
- "currency": "GBP",
- "orderRef": "order1",
- "instructionRef": "instruction1"
or tenant-admin
Close a financial instrument.
Bad Request - Validation error response, containing errors such as:
All other managed 4xx and 5xx errors
{- "reason": "Subscription cancelled."
FinancialInstrumentId {financialInstrumentId} is invalid.
{- "timestamp": 1692016778499,
- "correlationId": "0HMB2TA322CA7:00000001",
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "FinancialInstrumentId [fd65d608-9a92-6210-8942-536855e10706] is invalid.",
- "messageTemplate": "FinancialInstrumentId {financialInstrumentId} is invalid.",
- "metadata": {
- "financialInstrumentId": "fd65d608-9a92-6210-8942-536855e10706"
or tenant-admin
Get a Transaction by the financialInstrumentId
and transactionId
OK - Returns the transaction response.
Bad Request - Validation error response, containing errors such as:
All other managed 4xx and 5xx errors
{- "_links": {
- "self": {
- "href": "/v1/customer-vault/customer1/financial-instrument/4249b9ae-f238-cce4-474e-49bcd3ab7363/transaction/792c4c75-36e0-4e1b-9db8-7e5708b36a30"
}, - "id": "792c4c75-36e0-4e1b-9db8-7e5708b36a30",
- "createdTimestamp": 1689221842419,
- "lastUpdatedTimestamp": 1689221894919,
- "settlementDate": null,
- "status": "FAILED",
- "app": {
- "appId": "IMBURSE",
- "appTransactionId": "792c4c75-36e0-4e1b-9db8-7e5708b36a30",
- "appBatchId": "",
- "supportDetails": {
- "customerId": "cus_MH3lMCEjrZ4O0Q"
}, - "orderRef": "order1",
- "instructionRef": "instruction1",
- "amount": 10.03,
- "currency": "AUD",
- "failedReason": "1 - Invalid BSB number",
- "netAmount": 10.03,
- "capabilities": {
- "isRefundable": false
}, - "refunds": [ ],
- "chargebacks": [ ],
- "processingDetails": {
- "channel": "eCom",
- "authenticationFlow": null
or tenant-admin
Create an International Bank Account financial instrument.
Bad Request - Validation error response, containing errors such as:
All other managed 4xx and 5xx errors
{- "name": "John Doe",
- "iban": "GB09KDUX86642922629868",
- "bic": "CGDITLD3"
{- "_links": {
- "property1": { },
- "property2": { }
}, - "id": "string"
or tenant-admin
Create a UK Bank Account financial instrument.
Bad Request - Validation error response, containing errors such as:
All other managed 4xx and 5xx errors
{- "accountHolderName": "JOHN DOE",
- "accountNumber": "99999911",
- "sortCode": "111211"
{- "_links": {
- "property1": { },
- "property2": { }
}, - "id": "string"
or tenant-admin
Create a Bank Account financial instrument.
Bad Request - Validation error response, containing errors such as:
All other managed 4xx and 5xx errors
UK (BACS) Bank Account
{- "type": "UK",
- "accountHolderName": "GEORGE DOE",
- "accountNumber": "55779911",
- "extraCode": "200000"
{- "_links": {
- "property1": { },
- "property2": { }
}, - "id": "string"
or tenant-admin
Create a refund with the financialInstrumentId
and transactionId
OK - Returns the created refund response.
Bad Request - Validation error response, containing errors such as:
All other managed 4xx and 5xx errors
{- "amount": 17.99,
- "reason": "Subscription cancelled."
{- "refundId": "3324897f-393a-4bf6-b3af-0b999cbc2521",
- "status": "string"
or tenant-admin
Get a refund with the financialInstrumentId
, transactionId
and refundId
The Refund object.
Bad Request - Validation error response, containing errors such as:
All other managed 4xx and 5xx errors
{- "refundId": "1ae4fddd-4cf6-493d-b171-2dbcfd93ec08",
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "amount": 12.34,
- "currency": "EUR",
- "refundedTransactionId": "26fc43b3-88a5-426f-bfca-d030a4ba3be6",
- "reason": "Customer returned purchased item nr 123.",
- "createdTimestamp": 1636123359241,
- "lastUpdatedTimestamp": 1636123360,
- "app": {
- "appId": "IMBURSE_TESTING_V2",
- "appTransactionId": "26fc43b3-88a5-426f-bfca-d030a4ba3be6",
- "supportDetails": { }
}, - "failedResponse": null